3 blade bokeh lens
3 blade bokeh lens

This next part would be easier to draw on paper than explain with words but because what you are interested in is out of focus, the shape will have TWO times the number of sides as the number of blades. Obviously as the lens is stopped down the opening is no longer circular but a polygon with the number of sides equaling the number of blades.

#3 blade bokeh lens plus#

Plus a lot of what is said about acceptable or pleasing bokeh is subjective just like everything else in photography. You never know because each lens is different and will produce different results. To answer your question you really have to shoot with each lens to see which is better. An 8 blade aperture will also render a 16 point star flare if you are shooting into lights etc. For example if you get a hexagon you have an 8 blade aperture.

3 blade bokeh lens

You can tell # of blades by the # of sides the oof geometric highlights have. The more blades your aperture has the better the bokeh generally is. With the two lenses I currently have, what would be the best test to determine which to keep? They are both Pentax 645 75mm one is Leaf shutter with 5 blades and the other is non leaf with 8 blades? Any idea which it keep and which to sell? That makes sense, but I was hoping I could use some general rule to buy/sell some alt lenses other than buying and testing. Above all, the admirability of the bokeh depends on opinion. Some 6 blade lenses producer a nicer bokeh than 9 blade lenses. The bokeh in general depends on various properties of the lens. When stopped down, the blades have a visual effect especially at the background highlights. When wide-open, the blades don't have any effect. I should keep the one with the most blades, right? As you answer, please tell me if this is true of all lenses, or does it vary depending on the lens?

3 blade bokeh lens

How does the number of blades in a lens affect the background blur or bokeh of a partially stopped down shot? The more blades there are, the more round the circles of confusion appear, in other words the out of focus hotspots are rounder with the more sides in the blades, right? I have a Pentax 645 LS lens with 5 blades and a 75 2.8 with eight and only want to keep one of these.

3 blade bokeh lens